Lost Property Detectives

Reuniting owners with their valuables left here at Tauranga Crossing.

Our hard-working team at the Concierge Desk are often fine tuning their skills as amateur detectives to reunite customers with their lost property. On Saturday, 18 February a wallet was handed in that contained a large amount of money as well as a variety of cards. Initially thinking that the owner could still be in the mall, a public address announcement was made. When the paging did not bring the owner forward, the concierge team began investigating.

Firstly, they checked the name in the white pages online. Finding an entry with the correct information, a phone call was made which was answered by a supermarket staff member. Initially it was thought to be a wrong number, but when the number was redialled, our ‘detectives’ asked if the man they were looking for worked at the supermarket. The staff member confirmed that the man was the previous owner and gave the contact phone number of the man’s son.

The next step was to call his son, check the details and pass on the information that his father’s wallet was being held at the concierge desk. Later that day, the man contacted the concierge desk, and said he was out of town, but his wife would call in and collect the wallet. He was initially surprised as he was not even aware that he had lost his wallet at that time.
His wife arrived soon after, and the details were checked again to ensure the wallet was returned to the correct person. She said her husband often uses one of the money machines at Tauranga Crossing for banking and the wallet may have been dropped then. She wanted to reward the staff for returning the wallet, especially as all the contents were intact. No reward was necessary. It was all in a day’s work.

The moral of the story is, if you have lost an item here at Tauranga Crossing, make sure you check with our lovely team at the Concierge Desk, as items often get handed in to them that have been found by our security team, cleaning staff or members of the public and they may just have it there waiting for you to claim it.